St Wilfrid's Catholic Primary School

St Wilfrid's
Catholic Primary School


As one of the only schools in the area with an indoor swimming pool our children benefit from lessons during term time.  The pool is used by the wider community and other local schools. 

Children in years 3 to 5 cover the swimming objectives of the National Curriculum within blocks of lessons.  This means that children in each class can access 5 swimming lessons term per year in these year groups. Swimming contributions are paid termly via ParentMail.




Pupils will need the following items for every swimming lesson:

  • Trunks or a one piece costume
  • Swimming hat (we have swimming hats available to purchase from the office for £1.50- please order via ParentMail)
  • Towel
  • Goggles (optional)

First Swim School

Our in school swimming lessons are taught by First Swim School and are organised by the school office.

For more information on private lessons with First Swim School please contact them directly


Pool Hire 

Please see here for more information regarding hiring the school pool.