Pupil Premium/Free School Meals
Every child should be given the chance to realise their potential at school, regardless of their background or circumstances at home.
What is Free School Meals & Pupil Premium Funding?
Free School Meals is a government initiative which entitles children from low income families to a nutritious meal during the school day.
Whilst all children in Key Stage 1 receive a hot meal, thanks to the Universal Free School Meals scheme, children who qualify for Free School Meals also qualify for Pupil Premium funding. This additional funding is available to both the school and to a child's family to help support them during their time in full time education.
Pupil Premium funding also entitles families to financial help towards childcare in the Easter and Summer holidays and supermarket vouchers during all school holidays and half term breaks. This is called the Holiday Activities & Food Programme.
Who qualifies?
Please visit the following link to find out more- West Sussex County Council - Free School Meals
If you are unsure if you would qualify it is worth completing the application form.
There is no limit to how many times you can try to apply and there is no cost to send the application form. Therefore, if your circumstances change it may be worth applying again.
If your child does qualify for Pupil Premium, this will be guaranteed for a period of six years regardless of whether they remain eligible for free school meals. Therefore, once qualified, if your circumstances change, your child and their school will not lose this benefit.
How to apply?
Please complete the following form and return it to fsm@westsussex.gov.uk
Alternatively, we would be happy to return any completed forms on your behalf.
Application to Pupil Premium / Free School Meals
This can be completed at any time whilst your child is in full time education.
Paper copies of the form are also available at any time from the school office.
How is Pupil Premium funding used?
Schools spend the Pupil Premium funding in appropriate ways to support the individual children. We will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils from low income families. We are required to publish how this money is spent on our website. This will ensure that parents/carers and others are made fully aware of the Premium and the extra support that pupils receive.
If you feel that you may be entitled to Pupil Premium please refer to the attached documents or contact the school office for more information.
For more information about Pupil Premium please visit here
Other help with the cost of living
For further information and support please visit our website help page here.